What is a Meniscus Injury?

The meniscus is a vital structure in the knee joint that serves multiple functions, including shock absorption, load distribution, and lubrication. A meniscus injury can result in significant pain, instability, and disability. This blog is aimed to help understand the anatomy, common injury patterns, treatment options, and outcomes associated with meniscus injuries.

The meniscus is a C-shaped piece of fibrocartilage located within the knee joint. Each knee has two menisci, one on the medial (inner) side and one on the lateral (outer) side. The meniscus attaches to the tibia (shinbone) and is surrounded by synovial fluid, which helps to lubricate and nourish the joint. The meniscus is composed of three distinct layers: the outermost layer, which is composed of dense, fibrous tissue; the middle layer, which is made up of loose connective tissue and blood vessels; and the innermost layer, which is composed of fibrocartilage.

Meniscus injuries are relatively common, with up to one-third of all knee injuries involving damage to the meniscus. Meniscus injuries can occur as a result of traumatic events, such as a sports-related injury, or as a result of degenerative changes associated with aging. In younger individuals, meniscus injuries are often associated with twisting or hyperflexion of the knee, which can result in tears of varying severity. In older individuals, degenerative changes within the meniscus can result in weakening and tearing of the structure.

Meniscus tears are classified based on their location within the meniscus, as well as their shape and severity. The most common types of meniscus tears include:

Radial tears - These tears run perpendicular to the long axis of the meniscus and are often the result of a sudden twisting or hyperflexion injury.

Flap tears - These tears occur when a portion of the meniscus is pulled away from its attachment to the tibia, often resulting in pain, instability, and locking of the joint.

Bucket-handle tears - These tears occur when a portion of the meniscus is displaced into the joint space, often resulting in significant pain, swelling, and loss of function.

The treatment of meniscus injuries depends on several factors, including the severity and location of the tear, as well as the age and activity level of the patient. In some cases, conservative management, such as rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE), along with physical therapy, may be sufficient to manage the injury. In other cases, surgical intervention may be necessary.

Surgical intervention typically involves either a meniscus repair or meniscectomy (removal of a portion of the meniscus). Meniscus repair is often preferred in younger individuals with tears located in the outer third of the meniscus, where blood flow is more abundant, and healing is more likely. Meniscectomy is often preferred in older individuals with degenerative changes, as well as in cases where the tear is in the inner two-thirds of the meniscus, where blood flow is limited, and healing is less likely.

Recent advances in surgical techniques, such as arthroscopic surgery, have led to improved outcomes for meniscus injuries. Arthroscopic surgery involves the insertion of a small camera and instruments into the joint through small incisions, allowing the surgeon to visualize and repair or remove the damaged portion of the meniscus.

When it comes to meniscus injuries, choosing the right healthcare provider is crucial for achieving optimal outcomes. At CAO (Centers for Advanced Orthopedics), our team of highly skilled orthopedic surgeons and physical therapists work together to provide comprehensive care for meniscus injuries.

Our orthopedic surgeons have extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of meniscus injuries, utilizing the latest surgical techniques to achieve the best possible outcomes. Our surgeons take a personalized approach to care, working closely with each patient to develop a treatment plan that meets their individual needs and goals.

In addition to surgical intervention, our physical therapists play a critical role in the management of meniscus injuries. Our physical therapists are experts in the evaluation and treatment of knee injuries helping our patients achieve optimal outcomes.

At CAO, we understand that meniscus injuries can be challenging and debilitating, but with the right treatment, patients can regain function and return to their active lifestyles. Our goal is to provide the highest level of care possible, utilizing a multidisciplinary approach to ensure that our patients receive the best possible outcomes.

If you or someone you know is suffering from a meniscus injury, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced orthopedic surgeons or physical therapists at CAO. We are committed to helping our patients achieve optimal outcomes and return to their active lifestyles as quickly and safely as possible. Schedule an appointment with a knee surgeon today!